Monday, August 17, 2009

DVDs, San Pedro

I think it's time I buy a new camera. The one I have right now, is a sony cyber shot, but it's kind of old, and scratched, and it's only 6.0 megapixels! I want something with 10 megapixels. I went to Target a couple of weeks ago, and I saw this sony camera and it was 10 megapixels, and when I took a picture the picture came out crystal clear. My camera does not do that. Haha...

So on Saturday after my boyfriend got off work, we went to Best Buy to see if I could buy My Neighbor Totoro, but they didn't have it there! GRRRR... Haha. So went to Fry's in Anaheim, and they didn't have it either! But I did see a bigger selection at Frys. I picked up Howl's Moving Castle, and Kiki's Delivery Service, and Princess Mononoke. Some of my favorite anime movies of all time! Hehe!

The DVDs I purchased.
My collection of Anime DVDs! :)
My boyfriend insisted that we walk about Fry's looking at flashlights, and random little things. I don't know what it is about boys and walking around looking at things!

Anyway, so this Sunday, my boyfriend and another couple, our friends Ray and Jessica, decided to go to San Pedro to hang out! We got there around 2:30PM. The stupid 710 freeway was closed down for construction, so we basically had to go all the way around, and it was funny because we ended up in Compton!

Before take off! Hehe. Jessica and Toad! And me smiling from the front! In tC! Me doing a jumping picture! I've never done one of these before! Frank and Ray at the Korean Friendship bell basketball count, looking funny! All four of us!
Again, but towards the ocean!
He was trying to kiss me! :)
Me and Jessica promoting my jewelry! Us down by the ocean! Yes, that is me bending over. The scene!
What it looked like when we were going down. It was very windy, and my hair kept getting in my face!
The food there was really good. But knowing Jessica and I, we are bargain hunters, and the guys basically wanted to settle for anything, but we decided to find a cheaper place to buy our food! And it was a lot better than paying 40 something dollars, when we got the platter for 20, plus our king crab legs for 20! It was an awesome day for us! :)

The first thing the boys did, was get some beer, two pitchers to be exact!
The food Jessica and I got! The pineapple drink I got! It didn't actually have pineapple in it, it had a mango smoothie. :)Look at all the food now! It's absolutely gone! They look so funny when they pose together.
And we went back to Vons, where we met up at. And the boys thought it would be funny to take a picture like this.
And that's basically it! I didn't shop so much this weekend, as I ate food! Hehe! Anyway, I will post later this week, if I survive my first week of school! I start school tomorrow, and I'm not looking forward to it at all! But we'll see how it all goes! Until then!


  1. me too, i'm trying to find budget to replace my cam, mine is a 7megapixel canon ixus, hoping to change to something like 10 megapixel so that i can take clearer pic of my hauls haha

    Its really hard to find nice placed in SG for photo taking and US seems to have alot...

  2. great pics! ^^
    I love your jumping picture, you look so relax and happy..

  3. Hey hey~ nice that you have the pics out but can you post them on facebook or email them to me? XD We wanna see the rest too!

  4. me and my mom love anime movies!!

  5. that place looks BEAUTIFUL! and wait wait wait, you've never done a JUMPING picture before?!?!?!?! =O its so much fun! haha! i'm addicted to those kinda shots!

  6. seafood looks yummy! howl's moving castle is one of my favs hehe nice pictures

  7. looks like you had fun in san pedro! :) I like going to frys and checking out all their gadgets.. haha, that's where I got my trusty pocket flashlight & tons of cheap flash drives xD I guess I'm a nerd :P but your dvds look like they'd be fun to watch, I loveeeed the delivery service one! haha :)

  8. ohh I grew up watching Miyazaki Hayao!! he's like Disney of Japan! great collection you got there :)

  9. The stuff mushroom/Toad is really cute!
    My cousin has one in her car too. LOL


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<3 Denysia