Saturday, July 3, 2010

Photography in Pictures

Hey everyone! So how is everyone this weekend? It's 4th of July already! Wow, time has been flying past!

So I have some pictures from my backyard. Seeing as how, I haven't been doing much (Which basically means I haven't been buying makeup, LOL!) I've decided to show you guys what I have in my backyard. I filmed 2 more videos before this weekend, so I will be uploading those very soon! :D

 Some little tomatoes! 
There are 5 of these tomatoes! 
A pretty yellow flower. 
Some red flowers. 
 Mint leaves! 
 Some Moss that was found growing in my backyard! 
 And a baby lemon. 
 My bagel that I had for breakfast! It was blueberry, and I put some cream cheese on it. :)

So I did finally upload my June Favorites video! Check it out:
And I love going to the OC MarketPlace! They have awesome cosmetics! Check out the video below! If you want more infomation about the MarketPlace, please right click, and click on where it says, "Watch on Youtube" and check out the description box below the video! :)


  1. Oh what pretty flowers!! The red flowers are gorgeous! I love homegrown tomatoes!! I'm at work so I can't watch your lovely videos now but I will be back!! Have a great day!!

  2. Yay for photography @ the backyard! Nice colors!! I haven't been taking pictures of nature lately. and i kinda miss it!!

    I need to go visit OC marketplace, love everything u got!! =) I want that glitter polish :)

  3. oh lard you have an amazing garden! i'm really jealous. the flowers are so pretty and the tomatoes haha. they must be really tasty! and thanks for the videos!

  4. love photography of nature :) the baby tomatoes are cute! im definitely going to check out oc marketplace... love a discount ;)

  5. I wish we have a backyard and have those tomatoes & lemons....geezz...I miss & mom used to do it together...beautiful pics....and thanks for the tip...about retrieving files on my broken laptop....

    Happy Hump Day....

  6. How cute - you grow tomatoes and lemons in your backyard!! I just bought a lemon for my crumble and it isn't as cheap as I thought it'd be!! -.-

  7. Those flowers from your backyard looks soooo adorable!

  8. you have lemons and tomatoes in your backyard?! that's so awesome!

  9. You backyard is so awesome! :D

  10. Haha...I'm glad your bf liked the vid too! XP

    Wow, your backyard has so many yummy and pretty things in it Denysia! =) The OC MarketPlace sounds like my kind of place. Wah...but why do I have to be in L.A? =\

  11. Great pictures, such beautiful flowers!

  12. Love the pictures of ur backyard, as u might know I am a big fan of nature so really love ur pictures♥

    Hrey..thanks for dropping by my blog^^

  13. You really have a nice camera. It takes great pictures! What camera do you have?

  14. Yes, I know! :D Thanks for joining my giveaway :)

  15. Thanks for showing those beautiful flowers, it's nice to have a taste of summer for the cold Wintery Australia :)

  16. bagel with strawberry cream cheese is one of my favourite things to eat for breakfest :D you're so cute in the video btw!

  17. Beautiful photos! I love them. The last photo made me crave for a yummy bagel.

    By the way dearie, I am currently holding a giveaway. I hope you don't mind joining it. The winner will win $40 gift certificate. Here's the link to my giveaway:

    Thank you!

    Lots of love,

  18. Oh yeah, totally agree with you on Nordies!

  19. excellent articles here and seems useful in fashion

    related..fantastic and fabulous your

    blog//pretty nice contents which eventually shows

    your interests towards fashion…haha….so cool post

    this ) is as cool as like my cool blog(of course name

    of my blog..haha)

  20. i can never keep plants around, I always forget and they all die =[


Please feel free to comment! And I will try to get back to you as soon as possible!

<3 Denysia