Thursday, January 7, 2010

Random activities!

Hello all you lovely bloggers out there! I redid the layout last night, so it doesn't look all plain, and I really like this layout because the navigation seems a lot more easier to get around!

BY THE WAY: I've added a FAQ section on the top below the search bar, for those of you who want to know a little more about me!

Anyway, I have a ton of pictures to show you guys today! I actually had a lot of these pictures on my laptop, but I never actually got around to posting them up, due to school, and work last year! I attended the hello kitty party in Culver city during November.

This is what it looked like when we were outside the building.
When we got inside, there were a lot of people everywhere! I took some pictures of miniatures.

That dress on the left side, is a dress that paris hilton wore! Maybe that's why the mannequin has blond hair??
Hello Kitty bling!
Japanese hello kitty.
Tokidoki loves hello kitty.
A hello kitty art piece made up of hello kitty products.
OHHHHH... The hello kitty Mac collection!

And this past week, I've been cooking a lot, because I've been working out, and of course after working out, I get hungry.

Some Garlic bread on toasted rosemary bread. This is the best bread ever. I must admit that I outdid myself this time. Some cookies that my boyfriend wanted me to make. Because he has a sweet tooth.
And some bomb pork and vegetable eggrolls with my special dipping sauce.

This is something that I decoden-ed out yesterday! It's a mirror before, but I decided to make it look cute.
Front view.
And a picture frame. Yes that is me, with my little cousin when we were kids. When my boyfriend saw this, he was like, "What's wrong with your hair??!!"
Anyway, I'm going to hang out with friends this weekend, so be prepared for lots of pictures and more buying and spending of my wallet! :)


  1. WOW, that's like Hello Kitty paradise! I would've died in there, lol!

    I love the way you deco your stuff! I wish I had the patience and creativity to do that!

  2. your mirror & picture frame are sooo kawaii!!!I wish I could make one for myself....

  3. I wuv Hello Kitty! You have mad deco skills, girl. :D How cute of your bf to request his pic be posted...hehe. You two make a cute couple!

  4. gasps, you deco'd your rikuma mirror? lol the one that looks like the one you sentme? hehe i keyringed it onto my car keys so i can use it when i apply my lipsticks! you did a great job.

  5. Oh my god I would have DIED to go to the Hello Kitty party! I have a picture of the HK made out HK stuff saved on my computer! That would be a dream come true for me.

    Your mirror and frame are so adorable!

  6. oh i heard about the hello kitty party - i have a friend who actually works for the company & was in charge of setting it all up. & cute mirror :)

  7. I wish i could have gone to that Hello kitty Party too! Great job on that Garlic bread, looks delicious!

  8. I love the Hello Kitty!!!! Omg that's so cool!! I love the frame too. =)

    Hey girl I gave you an award at my blog!! =)

  9. OMG, they suck! (tiffany's) my friend said she went in there and no one, not one worker, helped her. they just assumed she was looking around but she wanted to buy something.

    their jewelry honestly, it aint all that. when i was in there, i didn't see anything that was like WOW! that is so beautiful! $400 can score their mama something really beautiful at kay's or elsewhere plus insurance. i like kay's because they have their diamond plan and whenever i lose a diamond, they replace it and there's free resizing. which reminds me i should go get it checked again!

  10. cute stuff! i heard about the hello kitty place last year but never went. nice pic of u and the bf ;)

  11. Ooooh I would have went! Haha. Since we're so close to each other, maybe some day we can meet up =D

    I feel ya on the working out! My BF is making me go to the gym with him now, haha. Just started this weeeeek (..well last now since tomorrow will be Sunday :P)

  12. And those egg rolls look awesomeeeeeeeeeeeee. Give me some :P

  13. Kawaii picture frame! :) weee i love hello kitty!!! so pretty!!!! I want everything! ^_^

    Great layout btw! :)

  14. hey... found you on 20sb! nice blog!


  15. i love what you did with the mirror and frame! super duper cute! :) and this new layout is great... i actually love how organized it is, simple and easy on the eyes! love it! have a great week!

  16. Wow, what an awesome event! I wish I had a HK event to go to :P And you and your boyfriend look super cute together! :D xx

  17. OMG. it looks like frosting on the frame & mirror! lol :) And your boyfriend still has all that hair on his chin... doesn't it itch when he comes in for a kiss?!?! lol xD

  18. nice, i just added a lot of bran-new emo backgrounds 4 my blog


Please feel free to comment! And I will try to get back to you as soon as possible!

<3 Denysia