Saturday, July 16, 2011

Obon Festival in Little Tokyo!

So this past weekend I went to the Obon Festival with two of my girl friends. It was pretty fun. We actually went wearing our Yukatas. It was really really hot outside. Excuse my faces! 

Some statues. 
 Me and my friend. I think it was like 80 degrees! I thought I was dying! I'm the one in the yellow Yukata. 
 A Buddhist statue. 
 Some pretty checkered lanterns. 
 We also checked out some flower arrangements. 
 Very pretty! 
 I wanted or actually I needed an umbrella like that one! 
 Some cool graffiti! 
 The tower in Little Tokyo! 
 Some very pretty art displayed in Little Tokyo. 
 This one is really pretty! It's about miscommunication, or something like that. 
Anyway, thank Jessica for taking these awesome pictures! I didn't take all of them, since wearing my Yukata and running around was making me really hot, and holding my heavy camera would have been insane. 

Hope everyone has an awesome weekend! I will try to post more as soon as I get a chance! And if you don't already know, I'm hosting a small secret giveaway on my facebook page. Check it out if you have time! :)


  1. Aww, I missed out on the Obon festival? Looks like you had a great time though. Obon festivals bring back lots of memories for me. heh

  2. I think 80 degrees is really hot too! Plus you're wearing a yukata so it's so warm with all those layers. The flower arrangements are so pretty.

  3. You girls look great! That festival sounds like fun!

  4. Sounds like a cool festival! Wish we had something like this over on the East Coast. :)


Please feel free to comment! And I will try to get back to you as soon as possible!

<3 Denysia